Website Standard - Terms and Conditions

When you register for the OTT forum, you will have to comply with all the rules and regulations set by the company. If you fail to comply with these rules at any point of time, then you will be permanently barred from accessing the site.

Below are the Rules that you Need to Follow.

  • You must not post any irrelevant answers or inappropriate comments. If you break this rule, then you will not be able to access this website.
  • You must not behave in a manner that may be offensive to other users on the platform.
  • You must not flood or spam the forum with non-relevant answers to a particular query. Please ensure that the answers you write are correct and detailed.
  • You must not promote any product or service on this platform.
  • The comments you write must be concise and to the point. Also, you must not paste the same comment repeatedly.
  • You must not post anything which is racially offensive, sexually-oriented, profane, obscene, abusive, harassing, or unlawful.

Points and Rewards

The reward system has been introduced to keep the audience determined and engaged so that they make efforts to maintain the forum's quality.

This way, the participants get motivated to ask and answer the questions in detail. Below, we have explained how the point system works on this website.

Join the OTT Forum (100 points)

The one-time bonus that you are going to receive by joining the OTT forum is 100 points. A user who registers with a unique email address will be worthy to receive these reward points.

Someone who is already a participant in this forum will not receive an award if that person deletes his or her account.

Logging into the Forum (1 point)

If you will log into the forum every day, then you will receive 1 point. The reward you will receive is restricted to 1 login in a day. If you log in more than once a day, then you will only receive a reward for the first login you made that day.

Asking a Question

If you post a query or ask a question that is related to a concerned topic, then your reward points will be -5. The questions that you are going to ask must be related to the topic and authentic in nature.

If the questions you ask violates the terms and conditions laid down by the company, then you will no longer be allowed to ask any question on the forum. Plus, you will be blocked from the website if you don't follow the rules. You can ask a maximum of 5 questions in a day.

Answering a Question

If an individual answers a question on the forum page, then you will receive 2 points. Make sure that the answer you post is to the point and in accordance with the question raised on the forum.

If the answers you give on the forum are breaching the terms and conditions laid down by the company, then you will be blocked from accessing the website permanently.

Rating an Answer (1 point)

If an answer to the question you asked on the forum is more suitable and better in comparison to other answers posted, then you can rate it as the finest and you will receive 1 reward point.

Selecting the Best Answer

If there are many answers to one question and you select the best answer out of all the answers posted, then you will fetch 3 points. You will only be allowed to rate an answer if you are the one who has asked the question.

Best Answer (10 points)

If an answer given by a user is the best out of all the answers posted on the forum, then he or she will receive 10 points.


The points awarded to a user are just to encourage the participants but no individual will be given any gifts. The system is subject to change and the power to make the changes rests with the company alone. No party is authorized to claim any accolade until and unless specifically stated by the company.

S.No Action Points
1 Begin participating on Answers One Time : 100
2 Ask a Question -5
3 Choose a Best Answer for your question 3
4 Answer a Question 2
5 Log in to Printer Forum Once daily : 1
6 Have your answer selected as the Best Answer 10
7 Receive a "Thumbs-up" rating on a Best Answer that you wrote (up to 50 "Thumbs-ups" are counted) 1 per "Thumbs-up"

Points and Levels of the Forum

The point and levels on the forum are solely based for encouragement and knowledge purposes and do not signify anything else. The forum has different levels which can be reached by earning points which in turn can be earned by answering questions and posting queries or questions. The levels according to the points earned are listed below and only signifies your participation and activity level on the forum:

Level Points Questions Answers
7 25,000 + 20 160
6 10,000 - 24,999 20 160
5 10,000 - 24,999 20 160
4 2500 - 4999 20 160
3 1000 - 2499 15 120
2 250 - 999 10 80
1 1 - 249 5 20

* All Limitations are per day


If you want to take the advantage of the functionalities of this website, then you must register first. However, it is not a compulsion and you can still view questions and answers without registration.

If you register, then you will enjoy the privileges of a participant like posting questions and answers on the website.


The owner of the website is the highest authority and has access to all the information posted on the forum.

Every answer and comment will be moderated by the authority prior to making it online. The answers and comments are going to take a maximum of 24 hours prior to becoming available online.

Links to Other Pages or Sites

This web page is not responsible for any link shared on it. It is not responsible for any content given in any link shared on the forum.


We don't promote any kind of copyright infringement by its users and cannot be held responsible for the same. Our company does not encourage the use of company name or copyright logo in the answers posted by the users. In case someone uses such a trademark or logo, then the OTT forum will not be held responsible for the same.